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... posted on Nov 04 2001, 599 reads


The more teenagers feel loved by their parents and comfortable in their schools, the less likely they are to have early sex, smoke, abuse alcohol or drugs, or commit violence or suicide.... posted on Nov 03 2001, 590 reads


To make one pound of honey, the bee has to tap into 2 million flowers and travel 55,000 miles.... posted on Nov 02 2001, 485 reads


... posted on Nov 01 2001, 527 reads


Scientists at Princeton University are measuring the effect of how we contribute to global consciousness. Their data showed a drastic shift in readings just before the Sep 11 tragedy in NY:... posted on Oct 31 2001, 628 reads


... posted on Oct 30 2001, 550 reads


In 2000, firearms killed 5,285 children in the U.S. (compared with 0 in Japan, 19 in Great Britain, 57 in Germany, 109 in France, and 153 in Canada).... posted on Oct 29 2001, 516 reads


... posted on Oct 28 2001, 421 reads


A small San Francisco based group is collecting all the new and used children's books they can get and bringing them to small villages in the Phillipines where they are cherished! The program is called Books for Love.... posted on Oct 27 2001, 459 reads


... posted on Oct 26 2001, 349 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Dear God, Are you really invisible or is that just a trick?
Lucy, in 'Letters from Kids to God'

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